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A Slimmer Face With Buccal Fat Removal

Posted June 20, 2017 in Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal Fat Removal Patient of Dr. Taylor Do you feel that your round, full cheeks are creating a less mature look? Do people often underestimate your age because of the childlike shape of your face caused by excess fat? “Chubby cheeks” are genetic, and overall weight has little to do with the roundness and poor definition of your cheeks. Luckily, there is a procedure available to help quickly and effectively achieve the more mature facial contour you may desire. Buccal fat removal removes pads of fat from the cheeks to help reshape your face.

How Fat Affects Your Face Shape

Facial fat is necessary to help maintain a youthful, lively appearance. People who begin to lose significant amounts of fat in their cheeks may develop a gaunt appearance. However, too much fat around the cheeks can have the opposite effect. Excess facial fat can create a childish appearance and lead to a chubbier aesthetic. Unwanted fat can significantly round your face, obscuring the attractive cheekbone definition you may be looking for.

Why Liposuction and Implants Don’t Work

Liposuction is an effective tool for eliminating submental fat that causes a double chin, but it is too harsh to be used on the cheeks. You cannot shape the face and enhance cheek definition with liposuction, nor can you achieve that result using implants. If the face already has too much volume from fat, any facial implants used to create more prominent cheekbones would be ineffective.

Benefits Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal is usually the treatment recommended for patients looking to get rid of their “chipmunk cheeks.” Small incisions are made inside the mouth, and pads of fat are removed. Deposits of fat are removed to ensure better definition of the cheeks and a slimmer facial shape.

People prefer buccal fat removal because:

  • It specifically targets fat along the cheeks
  • Results in zero visible scarring
  • Results are tailored to the patient
  • Recovery time is less than one week

For more information on how buccal fat removal can improve your facial contour or to schedule a buccal fat removal consultation with a trained, board-certified plastic surgeon, contact Dr. Taylor’s office today. You can call us at 626.577.77300 or you can contact us online.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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