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Neck Lift

Part of the aging process involves the loss of skin elasticity and volume. Skin that is already thin and delicate, such as along the eyes and neck, tends to show signs of aging faster than other areas because of this. As skin loses elasticity, it becomes more susceptible to wrinkling. Fine lines give way to deep creases and sagging that are hard to get rid of.

For the neck, the problem is worsened as muscles also grow weaker and start to sag. Having a “turkey wattle”, a double chin, or neck banding makes people look older than they really are and can drastically affect self-confidence. In these cases, a neck lift procedure can be useful in tightening neck skin and muscles to restore a graceful, youthful neck contour.

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Neck lift surgery is typically combined with facelift surgery or other procedures designed to address facial aging, such as a brow lift or eyelid lift. However, a neck lift can be performed alone if the neck area is showing signs of aging faster than the face, a common problem for many patients.

Patients struggling with sagging skin, a “double chin” from excess fat, jowls, or other aging concerns can benefit from neck lift surgery. The best candidates are patients in good overall health who do not smoke and have a neck that looks older than the rest of the face and chest. Men, whose muscles tend to be thicker and may sag more prominently, are good candidates for neck lift surgery.

What Does a Neck Lift Entail?


In a typical neck lift surgery—also referred to as a lower rhytidectomy—incisions are made under the chin and behind the ears and into the hairline. Excess fat is removed either surgically or using liposuction before the platysma muscles, the sheet of muscles that form the front of the neck, are bound together eliminating the obvious bands. Neck muscles are streamlined and tightened while extra skin and fat are removed for a youthful appearance.

A platysmaplasty procedure particularly focuses on surgically restoring platysma muscles using endoscopic instruments, inserted via a small incision under the chin, to remove fat in the center of the neck. The platysma muscles are sutured together into a single sheet to keep muscles and tissues firm, preventing further neck banding from occurring.


Neck lift surgery, on average, tends to be less costly than facelift surgery or other similar procedures. In 2018, the average cost for a neck lift procedure was approximately $5,232, as compared to $7,655 for a facelift procedure, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).


Recovering from neck lift surgery can take several weeks. Bandages or surgical drains may be needed in the first few days after surgery to make sure incision sites heal properly. Patients will also be instructed to keep their head elevated and in a straight position as much as possible to minimize swelling and discomfort. Patients will need to avoid strenuous activity for at least two to three weeks afterward but are typically able to return to work around this time.


Neck lift surgery is designed to provide long-term results and neck contours that are visibly streamlined. It can take up to a few months for swelling to completely dissipate, but the changes from a neck lift are immediately apparent and will refine as healing continues. The result is a rejuvenated neck that fits in better with the rest of the facial appearance for an overall younger look.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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