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In-Office or Awake Breast Lift in Pasadena, CA

If you secretly wish you could pop in for a quick doctor’s visit and have perkier breasts when you leave without having to be put under general anesthesia, your wish is granted (sort of). Many individuals avoid having elective surgery because they don’t want to be put under general anesthesia.

This is due mainly to the following reasons:

  • Some women respond poorly to general anesthesia (nausea, headaches, etc.)
  • The effects of anesthesia can worsen recovery
  • Women with certain health conditions run a higher risk of complications with general anesthesia

Dr. Thomas Taylor is a highly esteemed, board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in cosmetic breast surgeries and offers fully awake, in-office breast lifts with local anesthesia in Pasadena, California.

While you will still have to go through the recovery process, this approach can reduce many of the side effects and complications that accompany traditional surgery requiring general anesthesia.

Are You a Good Candidate for an In-Office Breast Lift?

Candidates for this surgery should be at or near their ideal weight, and if you smoke, you will need to stop weeks before the procedure.

An in-office or awake breast lift (mastopexy) is appropriate for a large number of women who are experiencing some breast sagging. This is particularly common among women who have recently given birth or lost a significant amount of weight.

However, this procedure isn’t suitable for everyone, and an in-depth consultation is required to determine your candidacy.

How to Prepare for an In-Office Breast Lift

You will prepare for this surgery just as you would for a major procedure like breast augmentation or reduction and avoid anti-inflammatory medications (like aspirin and NSAIDs), smoking, and alcohol. Because a local anesthetic is used, there is no need to go without eating or drinking, so fasting is not required.

It is imperative to follow the doctor’s instructions before and after surgery and prepare for your recovery, which will be similar to recovery from a traditional breast lift but without the added effects of general anesthesia.

How Does In-Office or Skin-Only Breast Reduction Work?

The local anesthetic is injected into the breast. This anesthetic also includes epinephrine to prevent bleeding. You will also be given a sedative to help you relax during the procedure and make the experience as pleasant as possible. Some patients say it is kind of like going to the dentist for a minor procedure.

Dr. Taylor lifts your breasts by removing excess skin under your nipple, tightening the lower part of the breast, reshaping the areola if desired, moving it higher on the breast, and closing the incisions.

If you already have breast implants, Dr. Taylor can typically use the old incision, which will fade over time.

This surgery usually takes about three hours, and the effects of the local anesthetic will continue to work for up to 10 hours to help you get home with any medications you will need for the following few days.

What Is Recovery Like After an In-Office Breast Lift?

Dressings should be removed two to three days after surgery, and you can then shower every day. Do not get into a bathtub, pool, or hot tub for at least four weeks after your procedure to avoid infection.

You will see the bruising start to fade significantly after two weeks, and the skin around the areola will flatten in around six weeks.

You should be able to resume your regular routine in two weeks or so but refrain from any strenuous activities, including exercise, for four weeks.

How Much Does an In-Office Breast Lift Cost?

The cost of your procedure will depend on many factors, but it will likely be significantly less expensive than a breast lift with general anesthesia.

Dr. Taylor conducts an in-depth consultation to assess the condition of your breasts and learn about your specific goals. At that time, you will be given an accurate quote for your in-office and awake breast lift.

Your Pasadena Breast Lift Specialist | Dr. Thomas Taylor

Call the staff at Taylor Plastic Surgery Center today to learn more about our Pasadena, California, breast enhancement options or scroll down to schedule an in-office breast lift.

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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960 E Green St #214
Pasadena, CA 91106

Phone: (626) 577-7730

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