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Everything You Need to Know About Facelift Surgery

Posted July 25, 2019 in Facelift

A Guide to Recovery After Facelift Surgery

Despite our best efforts, the effects of time are inevitable. While there is no surefire way to erase the impact age has on our appearance, there are methods to turn back the clock a couple of notches and gain a newly rejuvenated look. Facelift surgery and other cosmetic procedures have helped many people around the world gain back their confidence by restoring a youthful, appearance.

Facelift surgery involves making meticulous incisions, hidden carefully around the ears, through which Dr. Taylor can lift and tighten facial skin as well as the underlying musculature. This helps smooth lines and wrinkles in the lower face and rejuvenate the facial area in general. When performing this procedure, Dr. Taylor also removes any excess fat or skin before closing up the incisions with sutures to create an overall smoother and more refreshed look.

Woman before and after Facelift surgery

Facelift surgery typically requires more work and preparation than other, less invasive facial rejuvenation procedures, such as facial fillers or laser resurfacing. Patients considering facelift surgery are encouraged to prepare as much as they can by taking a proactive approach to their health—healthy patients are much more likely to have a comfortable recovery and better overall results. It’s suggested that facelift patients quit smoking in the weeks before their procedure to minimize postoperative complications. Before your scheduled facelift, Dr. Taylor will take the time to review your cosmetic goals, examine your facial structure, and go over maintenance recommendations to ensure the best results.

What to Expect After Surgery

Once the surgery is completed, patients will have a bandage wrapped around their face to help decrease swelling and bruising as well as protect the incisions. Surgical drains, or small tubes, may be placed to remove excess fluid from the treated areas and reduce the chance of infection. Every patient will receive detailed postoperative instructions from Dr. Taylor or his staff before heading home that will specify what they need to do during recovery.

Patients can expect:

  • Swelling and minor bruising
  • Drainage from incision sites
  • Sensitivity to sunlight
  • Mild to moderate pain

Patients should avoid:

  • Direct exposure to sunlight
  • Wearing makeup as incision sites heal
  • Bending or lifting for one week
  • Any strenuous activity for one month

Patients should sleep with their head elevated during the first few weeks after their facelift to minimize swelling. In the weeks after surgery, you will have a follow-up appointment so your surgeon can see the progress of your healing and remove any stitches, sutures, or drains. Self-care measures such as using cold packs and anti-inflammatory medications for pain can also help ensure a smoother recovery, especially in the initial stages. Try to avoid picking at crusting scabs and be sure to follow any special instructions on types of soaps to use when washing the incision sites.


Woman before and after facelift surgery

The final results of facelift surgery can be astonishing. Facelift surgery can work wonders in lifting sagging skin, tightening and smoothing lines, and creating an overall refreshed appearance. While the recovery process may be a bit longer than other methods, facelift surgery provides long-lasting results that can boost a patient’s confidence for years to come.

Ready to schedule your consultation? Call our office at 626-314-6476 to speak with Dr. Taylor and find out more about facelift surgery. 

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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