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5 Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures To Consider as You Approach Retirement

Posted November 24, 2023 in Eyelid Surgery, Facelift, FaceTite™, Necklift, Non-Surgical Procedures

4 Min Read:

Anticipating retirement can be an exciting time in one’s life, often involving plans to visit distant relatives, travel to exotic locations, and undertake new adventures. Many men and women approaching retirement are even considering cosmetic surgery to renew their confidence and embrace this time of their lives with a restored sense of self.

Mid age woman looking in the mirror

Facial rejuvenation is a popular option to achieve this goal for dramatic results to help you look younger and revitalized as you embark on your retirement journey.

1. Facelift

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure designed to lift and tighten sagging facial tissues, smooth wrinkles, and restore youthful contours. Softening deep wrinkles and sagging skin creates a rejuvenated and refreshed look.

This procedure remodels the underlying facial tissues and removes excess skin for a smoother, lifted appearance and added volume. When more fullness is desired, fat transfer can be used. This cosmetic treatment involves harvesting unwanted fat from elsewhere in the body with liposuction, purifying the fat cells, and then injecting them into hollowed facial areas.

Facelifts provide long-lasting results for sustained confidence by addressing the mid to lower portion of the face. This procedure is often combined with a neck lift for a smooth facial transition.

2. Brow Lift

A brow lift, or forehead lift, focuses on lifting and tightening the skin of the upper face to reduce deep lines between the brows and wrinkles on the forehead.

Brow lifts are tailored to maintain a natural and harmonious facial expression. Lifting a sagging brow restores a more youthful arch, eliminates a tired or stern appearance, and promotes a more open expression, making you look more approachable.

3. Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, addresses sagging eyelids and under-eye bags by removing excess skin and fat to reveal wider, more alert, and rejuvenated eyes.

Removing excess skin and reducing puffiness restores a vibrant and well-rested look to your eyes. In some cases, eyelid surgery can enhance peripheral vision impaired by sagging upper eyelids.

4. Neck Lift

Neck lift surgery is typically included with a facelift but can be performed by itself. This procedure focuses on tightening loose skin and muscles in your neck and jawline to eliminate sagging jowls, banding, and the dreaded “turkey neck.”

A smoother neck and more defined jawline contribute to a youthful and refined facial contour, providing balance and harmony to your overall profile.

5. FaceTite®

FaceTite® is an innovative facial rejuvenation technique that is a minimally invasive alternative to traditional facelift surgery. Some of the benefits FaceTite® offers include:

  • No general anesthesia needed
  • Little to no downtime
  • Natural-looking results
  • Safe and effective

The FaceTite® procedure uses advanced technology that involves radiofrequency-assisted liposuction. Tiny incisions are made in the skin, a cannula equipped with an internal electrode is inserted, and an external electrode is placed on top of the treatment area.

The internal electrode delivers RF energy into deeper skin and fat layers, while the external electrode heats the surface. This process causes liquefaction of fatty deposits and tightening of loose skin. FaceTite® can also be combined with liposuction and fat transfer for comprehensive facial recontouring.

Incisions for cosmetic facial surgery are made in discreet areas that are difficult to detect, easily concealable, and fade with time.

Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation Options

Non-surgical procedures are available for those who prefer to avoid plastic surgery and can provide subtle improvements. Some of these treatments include:

Effective non-surgical alternatives for facial rejuvenation can be tailored to address specific concerns, from fine lines to volume loss.

Personalized Cosmetic Facial Surgery for Seniors

Choosing facial rejuvenation is a personal journey, and a consultation with a skilled plastic surgeon ensures an individualized approach that enhances your unique features.

Age is, but a number, and the artistry of facial plastic surgery allows seniors to radiate timeless beauty at every stage of life.

Plastic Surgery for Seniors in Pasadena, CA

At Taylor Plastic Surgery Center in Pasadena, California, our surgeons are committed to customizing cosmetic surgery to meet your unique needs. Our entire team is ready to help you put your best face forward as you approach retirement and invites you to call (626) 577-7730 today to schedule your consultation!

Thomas S. Taylor, MD, FACS

The Aesthetic Society American Society of Plastic Surgery Fellow American College of Surgeons American Board of Plastic Surgery ABMS MOC American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

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